The way to evaluate any training is to understand where the training focuses. Here are 7 key areas that we focus on. They have been created through a unique relationship of Eastern and Western philosophy, represented by Dr. Paul Jeong and Michael Stratford, both long-term MCCs.
Focus on Being – Many places focus on techniques of listening, questions, and observations. We know that before those things come to the question: “What is the being of the person doing the listening, asking the questions, making the observations?”
Our motto is “Being before Doing”. We help our coaches arrive at the optimal being state for the doing of coaching. This is our highest priority.
Focus on Learning Mindset – A learning mindset allows one to experiment and be more focused on self-recalibration than self-recrimination. We focus on a deep understanding of the principles of coaching: Uniqueness, Service, Spaciousness, and Non-attachment. We know how Core Competencies and Markers make coaching easier.
Focus on Presence – We help our coaches ‘subtract’ the elements within their being, that keep them from the state of Equanimity while coaching. A coach learns more easily without concerns about approval, self-worth, being liked or making a mistake. This creates a Coaching Presence that is responsive instead of reactive.
Focus on Practice – We focus on practice. No one learns to ride a bicycle well by reading about it, watching videos, or listening to someone else’s experience. One must get on the bicycle and ride. This is the only way to truly feel balance in one’s body and gain the confidence needed to ride with freedom.
Focus on Business Success – We support the coach being successful in business by having a course directly focused on the Business of the Business, designed to give coaches both the information, tools, and awareness needed to have a sustainable business.
Focus on the Path – We focus on the journey of a coach. It is not just about getting a credential that is important to us. We recognize that what is truly important is ‘who the coach becomes’ while on the journey. That is what they will carry throughout their life. Students have said that the Path of Coaching has affected all areas of their life in positive ways.
Focus on Community – We support learning communities for our students so they don’t have to be alone while in the learning stage and business stages.